Thank you for checking out Weekly Word, a weekly online summary of my sermons for review during the week, catch-up after being away, or sharing with others. I am Stefan Munker. I have been serving as a pastor in congregations since 2004. In that time, I have preached quite a few sermons to convey God’s message for member’s lives. I’m excited about reaching more people online. The Weekly Word blog is based on requests for spiritual support in daily life, a desire to share biblical insights from Sunday worship, and the question how to connect more people with the church and God. It is an evolving experiment, so give it a try, keep an open mind, and share your feedback. Welcome to Weekly Word.
Your faith doesn't need to be huge like a mountain. Faith the size of a tiny seed can accomplish great things. What are our excuses? We need more faith like the apostles? Or we don’t speak well like Moses? Or are too young like Samuel? Or are too old like Abram and Sarah? Faith might be able to move mountains, but only if you are committed to put it into action. Word The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” (v. 5) Oh, says Jesus, if you just had faith the side of a mustard seed, you could instruct a tree to uproot itself and plant itself in the sea. No, Jesus tells his followers, what they need is not more faith but the right attitude and purpose. He wants them to be messengers and servants. Connection Is it possible that too many people stop with faith confession and don’t take the next step of faith action? Can we call ourselves Christian without acting like Christ? Instead of only understanding or knowing God, you and I are called to work for God....