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Showing posts from November, 2018

King of Love

A crown of the Bavarian kings displayed in a museum. Jesus did not need such a sign of his status and power. He governs our world and lives supremely with the power of his love. Another church year has come to an end. With the festival of Christ the King Sunday, we prepare for Advent, and another year of celebrating the good news. We will hear the good news of our faith in God’s love. How God the creative parent created the world with devotion and pleasure. How God the loving partner approached people and blesses all creation with kindness and generosity. And how God the caring provider saved us from death and continues to lead us to life. The power of God’s love does not coerce us, but gives selflessly. God’s love does not abandon us in our failures, but continues to bless us graciously. God’s love never ends, but reigns supremely forever. The evangelist John declared in the book of his vision: “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, who is and who was and ...

Everyday Gratitude

The altar at St. Paul's Lutheran Church with donations for local food pantries. This week we celebrate Thanksgiving. How do you celebrate the holiday? It’s well and good to be thankful for family and food on Thanksgiving Day. But as Christians we can show our genuine gratitude to a gracious God every day by 1. remembering to thank God for everything, 2. praying for those who are in positions of authority, and 3. sharing the gifts we have received with others in need. According to Matthew’s gospel, Jesus encourages us: “... do not worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ ... But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (vv. 31, 33) God blesses us all in abundance. Let’s not forget to be thankful. And remember those who lack basic needs.

Tears turned into Joy

Like sunshine after the rain, there is resurrection after death. To live above with saints we love, Oh! That will be glory! To live below with saints we know, Well, that's a different story! (Anonymous) Word We belong to a great company of those who have been redeemed by Christ’s death and sanctified by his grace. We are forgiven to live with God forever. Still, people die. And still we mourn. Grandparents, parents, siblings, stillborn infants, cousins, friends, pets, or personalities of public life. Jesus was moved by the tears of Mary and other mourners over the the death of his friend Lazarus. He began to cry himself. But Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” (v.40) Jesus turned tears into joy. Jesus called Lazarus out of the tomb. Even though there already was a stench of decay. The people were overjoyed. The raising of Lazarus anticipated Jesus’ own resurrection. And his resurrection prefigures of our...