A Valentine's cake declares a lover's sentiments. Love is many things. Romance sung about in love songs, and exchanged when you feel in love with someone. It is physical intimacy. Care of parent for their child. Kindness of help for neighbors in need. “In the tender compassion of our God the dawn from on high shall break upon us.” (Luke 1:78) So we hear in the song of Zechariah about the God’s love that brings us comfort when we are forsaken, despairing, afraid. Think of a lover tenderly wiping the tears off her grieving face. Think of a mother, grabbing her sobbing child in a hug. Think of a skilled nurse treating the sore burn wounds of a forest fire victim in the ICU. The good news is: We may be captive to the darkness of bullying, death of loved ones, or tragedies out of our control. But love brings light into our situations. Do you need comfort? God loves you. Jesus says to you: The dawn from on high has come to show you the light of God’s love. Fee...