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Seasoning for Life

This Weekly Word is based on a sermon preached on the Sunday following my brother’s death by suicide. If you are considering taking your life please reach out to someone who can help like the folks at the Suicide Prevention Line 800-273-8255. Other people like myself want to share with you that life can be bitter but God also sweetens our life with love, forgiveness and hope.

Michael Munker (06/17/1976 - 09/24/2018), late brother of Pastor Stefan Munker, at our last visit in Germany, January 2018.

What is your favorite flavor? a) Sweet like sugar. b) Flavorful like salt. c) Spicy like pepper. d) Mellow like vanilla. e) Or your personal taste ... We all have different preferences. Let me share with you what flavors our everyday life to make it enjoyable, and and enhance the lives of others.

Jesus tells his followers that they will all be salted, in order to be filled with the Holy Spirit like fire that enlivens and empowers. He says to us: “Salt is good ...” And: “Have salt in yourselves ...” (Mark 9:50)
Salt is vital to our life and health. What God wants for us is to be salty, flavorfully faithful, and so enhance the lives of others. We do well to consider what seasons our life and how we flavor the world.

The conclusion of the Book of James gives advice to the early Christian community about the power of prayer and song, forgiveness and healing. Through intercession, joyful song, and forgiveness and outreach we heal and save lives. These help us especially in times of need, like illness, any struggle in life, or grief over death.
After my wife Cindy received shocking news of my brother’s suicide the next morning, we tased the seasoning of understanding, consolation and hope that others shared with us. Hugs and prayers, visits and cards, flowers and meals do not take away the sense of loss, but provide ways to feel God’s love, comfort and strength.

The Good News is: God’s love adds seasoning to enhance and save our life. Love of friendship adds flavor to our life together.
Jesus says to you: You are loved by God. Pray for each other, encourage one another with hope, and taste the sweetness of shared love.

I don’t know about you. I totally crave chocolate. I love cilantro in many dishes. But, how about passing the salt?


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