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The Matrix movies explored religious themes like alternate realities or salvation through a sacrificial hero. |
Do you remember the TV show “Touched by an Angel”? According to the late author Phyllis Tickle, it brought religion to TV and made faith accessible to a wider audience. It also showed that there is a desire for getting in touch with the divine in our lives.
People flocked to Jesus to hear him and touch him. They came to hear him, and touch him to access his power that healed people. Getting in touch with Jesus shows us and connects us with the God’s goodness, possibility of life in harmony, and way to be blessed.
Jesus declared that life with God transcends even adversity: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.” (Luke 6:20b-22)
If you want your life to be changed by God's power, here’s how you and me get in touch with Jesus:
1. ... by listening to him like his disciples through his Word in the Bible.
2. ... through religious experiences like the sacrament of Communion.
3. ... in other ways, like a handshake, for example, or laughter, a cup of coffee, or friendship beyond personal, political, or religious differences.
The power of God’s love and of faith does not come from angels. But if you trust in yourself, you will not get the benefits of following Jesus. So, get in touch with Jesus, and bless others by touching them with your presence.
The good news is: Touching Jesus heals us from our self-confidence, self-reliance, and self-indulgence. Jesus gives us access to God's Spirit of comfort, hope and trust.
Jesus says to you: Blessed are you when you stay in touch with me, and share blessings with the poor, the hungry, and the grieving. For yours will be the kingdom, you will be fed, and laugh with joy.
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